Thursday, October 11, 2012

Joe Takes Ryan to School

Vice President Joe Biden schooled Congressman Ryan during tonight's vice presidential debate. From the economy to foreign policy issues the vice president demonstrated a command and passion for the facts that the Wisconsin congressman lacked. The most damning exchange occurred during a domestic policy discussion when moderator Matha Raddatz and the vice president pressed Ryan for specifics on the Romney-Ryan tax cut plan. Once again Ryan like Romney offered no specifics. The foreign policy debate was completely dominated by Biden which should not be surprising given the vice-president's extensive experience in that realm. However give Ryan's position and experience with foreign policy issues in Congress it is somewhat disturbing that he did not fare better. Given that Biden clearly won the debate, the key question is did Biden disqualify Ryan as vice president. Better stated can you as a voter see Ryan as your president? My answer is a resounding no! Ryan while demonstrating an ability to carry the GOP's message failed to meet even the minimum threshold that voters need to be comfortable with him as vice president. In fact his responses on Iran, Afghanistan and Syria were both naive and bereft of a clear and even moderately sophisticated understanding of the issues. Clearly Ryan is not ready for prime time. Even on domestic issues like the economy where Ryan seemingly would have an advantage he fell short of even modest expectations. One suspects that if Ryan would have been able to present and debate his core conservative beliefs he may have fared better. Still after viewing the debate it is clear that congressman Ryan while he may have a bright future is not ready to be the second in command let alone the leader of the free world. In this match --point Obama-Biden.

Mike Nixon
Copyright 2012 PolitiComm

Friday, October 5, 2012

Style vs. Substance: Romney’s Reality TV Campaign is Emmy Worthy

Mitt Romney’s presidential debate performance last night in Denver was astounding! No doubt about it. It was truly a masterful performance. His performance was amazing in an X Factor, American Idol, Dancing with the Stars reality show kind of way. Based on his debate tactics, it appears Romney is treating this election like he is a contestant on Survivor. His campaign motto should be-Out Play, outwit, outlast. Say anything to win. Unfortunately we live in an era where style means everything but substance-not so much. When most Americans that will choose the leader of the free world in a few weeks know more about Snooki from Jersey Shore than Education Secretary Arne Duncan, it is not surprising that most viewers thought Romney won the debate. Damn the facts, Mitt was the aggressor, the energy that drove this made for television event . After all we tune in to reality TV to watch the compelling, conniving, crazy characters willing to deceive and do anything to win. We overlook their character flaws and even revel in them. They are our favorite characters so we give them a pass. But here is the reality America. This is not a TV program it is an important election. An election must be about substance. Facts and details matter regardless of what a candidate says in a debate. They owe you that. When style is more important than substance we get a performance not an honest discussion of the important issues facing our country today. Truth matters too.     
Certainly anyone that has been paying attention knows the overwhelming number of Romney’s responses strained credulity. His ever changing positions on taxes, deficit reduction, healthcare reform and the plight of the middle class are very telling. Unfortunately a significant percentage of the estimated 60 to 70 million people that watched the debate have no idea of the positions of either candidate. So last night was their first opportunity to meet Mitt. Unless you know better one could come away from the debate thinking that Romney is a champion of the middle class. So there is the problem, not for Romney, after all for him it is mission accomplished. He saved his floundering campaign well at least for a week or two. But a lot of voters have been deceived, misled and bamboozled. So if one wins a debate by being intentionally disingenuous and offering few details then Romney won hands down. If the idea is to just win baby then he may be  on the track toward doing that--But at what cost? If you believe as I do that at a minimum any person running for the presidency should be honest, consistent, share facts and provide details then if Romney’s performance propels him to victory we the American people may end up being the Biggest Loser. Not because of any policy disagreements but because style will have triumphed over substance. That is fine for X Factor but not for a presidential election. We need to raise our expectations of the candidates and demand answers. We need to be active participants throughout the election process and do our homework. Go to rallies or call campaign offices and ask questions. So the question becomes will the electorate reward Mitt Romney based on style points or research his real positions at and vote him off the island?

Mike Nixon
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